Avatar of Prosper OtemuyiwaProsper Otemuyiwa

Speed Isn’t Just About Code, It’s About Where That Code Runs

Once upon a time, the complexity of backend was all developers talked about. (We even started as a platform to spin-up and host databases, backend services, and APIs.)

However, the complexity has gradually shifted to the frontend. What started out as a dead-simple push of some HTML, CSS and JS to a static host has became much more. Frontend is batshit crazy now.

Frontend developers are doing Server-side rendering (SSR), Client-side rendering (CSR), making tons of API calls, serving dynamic content and pushing the boundaries of the web. But despite the emergence of "frontend-only hosting" platforms, one fundamental problem exists — performance!

Users now bear the cost of waiting for page loads because:

  • Frontend apps are served from one platform
  • API requests are made to a different platform miles away from their frontend services
  • Increased latency due to multiple round trips to databases across different regions

It's a fragmented mess. Multiple requests across multiple regions and clouds resulting in a huge pile of unnecessary latency drags.

Speed isn’t just about code, it’s about where your code runs.

That’s why today we're talking about how you can now deploy your UI, API, and data side by side on the same infra.

No cross-cloud delays, no extra hops, no wasted milliseconds. Just pure speed and fast apps.

We’re not just a database provider. We’re not just a backend platform. We’re not just a static host. We’re all of it.

Walk with me while I show you what’s possible and why you should deploy your frontend apps on Railway.

Your users aren’t all in one place, so why should your app be?

We’ve got multi-region compute so that your frontend, backend, and database can live in the same place. NOT just your static files but everything in-between. No more long-haul flights. Your API calls deserve first-class, not a middle seat with crying babies.

Our built-in anycast routing and automatic geosteering ensures requests hit the nearest server and region for your users. Eliminating performance bottlenecks means keeping compute where your users are!

If your apps are fast while your deploys take forever, then you or your team’s iteration speed and shipping velocity becomes a joke. We know you’ve been there. Don’t lie to us. It’s hell! No one deserves that.

We built Railpack (our next-gen app builder) with first-class support for Next, Vite, Astro, CRA, and Angular static sites. With significantly smaller images and better caching, Railpack builds and auto-deploys your frontend frameworks faster and efficiently.

                                         Angular app built with Railpack

Angular app built with Railpack

We cache your builds, so every deploy gets faster.

While many cloud providers love to charge you more for egress, we flip the script and charge you less. We don’t think it’s fair to have a hidden tax on your success as you scale.

Our Egress costs are 10x cheaper than the alternatives. This means you can move more data at a fraction of the cost, whether you’re serving large files, streaming content, or need to run APIs with high outbound traffic.

We’ve also got Serverless Mode. When turned on, your apps automatically scale to zero when idle. This immensely reduces usage cost by ensuring your apps run only when it’s necessary!

With Railway, everything lives in one place — your frontend, backend, and database are hosted on one platform and run on the same infrastructure.

Setting everything to run in the same region (which we recommend) means query latency bottlenecks are gone because your compute runs directly on your storage. Data retrieval is instant. No extra config & no complexity!

                          All together in one place—frontend, backend and database

All together in one place—frontend, backend and database

SSR can be slow due to network latency and multiple round trips to databases. Your services have to be as close as possible to each other, side by side. Railway keeps everything tightly integrated and gives you fast, real SSR the way it was designed to be!

For even better performance and caching, you can throw Cloudflare (or your preferred CDN) in front of your Railway services. This gives you the best of both worlds — lightning-fast performance and reliability.

In the future, we’ll build native edge caching into the platform so you won’t need any extra setup.

We’ve got pre-built templates and 1-click deploys for every major frontend framework. All you need to do is select a template, deploy instantly, eject the template source into your repo, and keep shipping!

We believe developers should ship products without managing servers (infraless).

Frontend engineers should focus on creating snappy, responsive and beautiful user experiences, not fighting costs and infra.

Deploy your frontend on Railway today and experience what happens when everything just works.