Ssh, We’re Announcing One More Thing!
A little bit of company lore: the last time we did a Launch Week, which was also the first time we did a Launch Week, Infrastructure Engineer Miguel appeared out of the mist on the last day and dropped an amazing App Sleeping feature on us. (We’ve since renamed this feature Serverless because it seems to make more sense to people.)
It was insane, a very heroic moment.
So it brings us great pleasure to say that this time around, we’ve got another Miguel special for ya.
Without further ado, the “and one more thing” reveal on Day 05 is … SSH.
That’s right!
As of today you can finally SSH into your Railway instances using the CLI.

Running SSH on a Railway instance
This is a special day because SSH is the single most requested Railway feature.
This is all you need to get started.
First you’ll need to download the latest version of the Railway CLI
bash <(curl -fsSL cli.new)
Next, login to your account
railway login
Then connect to your project
railway link
And finally, SSH into the service
railway ssh
From there you should be all set!

Running top