$1M for Open Source
We’re giving away $1,000,000 in cash to open source developers and maintainers!
It’s pretty easy to get, too — you just have to publish a template in our library and get other developers to start using it.
For every $1 someone spends deploying your code to Railway, you’ll receive $0.50.
In cash!

We’ve doubled the template kickback program from 25% to 50% for the next $1M of payouts
Let’s recap how this works:
- You make a template
- You tell other developers about it
- Developers run it on our cloud
- We pay you 50% of whatever bill those developers rack up running your stuff
When you surpass $100 in earned credits, you can press a button to withdraw those credits to cash.
That’s it — you write the template, you tell people about it, they run it in our cloud, you get 50% of what they spend. Write, tell, run, 50%.
What’s the catch?
We already mentioned the catch — you have to rack up $100 in earnings before you can slam the withdraw button.
The other catch is that this is a limited time offer. Once the million is gone, it's gone. So act fast!

We’ve been doing template kickback payouts for a few months now with very little fanfare and we’ve already dished out $66,500 in cash.
Since that dollar amount represents a 25% kickback (our normal kickback rate before today’s announcement), that means that we’ve secured ~$199K in revenue against a distribution of ~$66K.
That’s not a bad deal if you have the margins!
If you were here for Day 01 of Launch Week, you might remember that we are currently migrating off of our upstream cloud provider and into our own data centers around the world. One benefit of this is that it gives us A LOT of room to expand this deal if it works out well for us.
So everybody wins.
But who is everybody?
And what do they win?
We think this program is especially attractive if you’re an open source maintainer who enjoys deploying to Railway.
Your users will get:
- 1-click deploys
- Pay-per-use pricing (only for what they actually use)
- Vertical and horizontal scaling
While you will get:
- A deterministic outcome for your users
- A generous free tier so they can try it out
- The ability to talk your users in our forums
- The payoff of receiving a portion of your users’ cloud spend
- An extra distribution push via Railway’s library
It’s an arrangement that we think makes a lot of sense for all parties involved.
We just passed 1,000 templates in our library and that number is flying upward.
We have a good feeling about kicking back an ever-higher percentage of template usage to the creators of those templates.
If we can help you build, we can help each other win.
We’ll get there. In the meantime we have $1M to give away.